Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I remember being accused of 'hating America'
I remember explaining where Iraq was compared to the U.S

What remains in my mind now, was the naive warning I gave to those people who said I was unpatriotic for arguing the senselessness of war, "a successful war still requires death" we just choose to ignore it when it isn't Our people dying. Guess what. Our people are dying- and if you're a human being, more of your people are dying than you probably like to think. Innocent people and children in Iraq and Afghanistan die or are maimed daily. Imagine if all of a sudden China invaded to kill all the Klan members and Nazis in our country. What would you do? Even if you hate Illinois Nazis, you probably would be angry that the invader got involved and most likely killed civilians. This war is our mess in someone else's land. We don't know an exact number of casualties, in large part because it is too high a number to estimate and one which would be politically unfavorable to determine.

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